1.Huawei Mate 8 (NXTL29) The firmware shared on this page is officially released by the company and helps you to
recovery your device if you ever got bootloop.software error, update error,hanging and
dead issus
2.Take a backup: if you are going to flash tha above firmware on your Huawei Mate 8 (NXTL29) Firmware Room device, than take a backup of everything as because your personal data will be deleted after flasing the stock firmware.
3.HUAWEI Mate8 Rollback Package (NXT-L29, from Android7.0 EMUI5.0 to Android6.0 EMUI4.0, C185B500, Middle East & Africa)
4.HUAWEI Mate8 Firmware (NXT-L29B, Andriod 6.0, EMUI 4.0, C185B190, 05013LKP)
Click hare: Download
How to flash
Step 1: Create a new folder on your Micro SD Card and rename it to dload. Step 2: Download and extract Huawei Smartphone firmware (for your device) on your Computer. After extracting you will be able to see these files: Step 3: Now Copy UPDATE.APP and paste it the dload folder on your Micro SD card. Step 4: Now Power Off your Huawei Smartphone. Step 5: Now, Press Volume UP, Volume Down and Power Button at the same time for 5-8 seconds until the update process is started automatically. Step 6: Update Process may takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Step 7: Once Update Process is completed your devitce will reboo automatically and ready to use.
6.All files on this page are checked and downloaded.You need to know about flash.How to Flash.Flashing without knowing can turn off your mobile.How to Flash This page has tutorials.If there is any benefit on this page.Make sure to comment.If you are learning any information, please give a comment.The purpose of this site to open up for you is to help you